Megadoom II
MEGADOOM II - iso.7z
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C/C++ Source or Header
219 lines
WRITTEN BY: Robert Fenske, Jr. (rfenske@swri.edu)
Southwest Research Institute
Electromagnetics Division
6220 Culebra
San Antonio, Texas 78238-5166
CREATED: Feb. 1994
DESCRIPTION: This module contains routines to generate the BLOCKMAP
section. See the generation routine for an explanation
of the method used to generate the BLOCKMAP. The
optimizations for the horizontal LINEDEF, vertical
LINEDEF, and single block cases came from ideas
presented in the Unofficial DOOM Specs written by
Matt Fell.
DOOM is a trademark of id Software, Inc.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "dmglobal.i"
local short *Blockmap; /* built BLOCKMAP */
ROUTINE: blockmap_add_line(block,lndx,nlines)
WRITTEN BY: Robert Fenske, Jr.
CREATED: Feb. 1994
DESCRIPTION: This routine adds the LINEDEF lndx to the block's
block LINEDEF list. If no list exists yet for the
block, one is created. Memory is allocated for no more
than thirty LINEDEFS (to save memory); only if more
than thirty LINEDEFS are in a single block is more
memory allocated.
#if defined(ANSI_C)
local void blockmap_add_line(register short **block, int lndx, long nlines)
local void blockmap_add_line(block,lndx,nlines)
register short **block;
int lndx;
long nlines;
short *newblock;
int nmax = min(nlines,30);
register int k;
if (*block == NULL) { /* allocate if no list yet */
*block = blockmem(short,nmax);
(*block)[nmax-1] = -1;
for (k = 0; 0 < (*block)[k]; k++); /* seek to end of list */
if ((*block)[k] == -1) {
newblock = blockmem(short,k+1+nmax);
*block = newblock;
(*block)[k+1+nmax-1] = -1;
(*block)[k] = lndx+1; /* add this LINEDEF */
ROUTINE: blockmap_make(blockmap,lines,nlines,verts)
WRITTEN BY: Robert Fenske, Jr.
CREATED: Feb. 1994
DESCRIPTION: This routine builds the BLOCKMAP section given the
LINEDEFS and VERTEXES. The BLOCKMAP section has the
following information (all are 16-bit words):
block grid X origin
block grid Y origin
# blocks along X axis (total # blocks --> )
# blocks along Y axis (N = Xn * Yn )
block 0 offset (# words)
block 1 offset (# words)
block N-1 offset (# words)
block 0 data (M words: 0,LINEDEFs in block 0,FFFF)
block 1 data (M words: 0,LINEDEFs in block 1,FFFF)
block N-1 data (M words: 0,LINEDEFs in block N-1,FFFF)
Block 0 is at the lower left, block 1 is to the right
of block 0 along the x-axis, ..., block N-1 is at the
upper right. An N-element pointer array is allocated
to hold pointers to the list of LINEDEFS in each block.
If no LINEDEFS occur within a block, it's pointer will
be NULL. Then the LINEDEFS are scanned to find the
blocks each line occupies, building the lists of
LINEDEFS along the way. Four cases are considered
for each LINEDEF. The line is either diagonal,
horizontal, vertical, or resides in a single block
(regardless of orientation). The non-diagonal cases
can be optimized since the blocks occupied can be
directly calculated. The diagonal case basically
computes the blocks occupied on each row for all the
rows between the LINEDEF endpoints. Once this is
complete the actual blockmap is allocated and filled.
It returns the number of words in the blockmap.
MODIFIED: Robert Fenske, Jr. Mar. 1994
Added in the optimizations for the orthogonal line
cases using the ideas presented in the Unofficial DOOM
Specs written by Matt Fell.
#if defined(ANSI_C)
long blockmap_make(register short **blockmap, register DOOM_LINE *lines,
long nlines, DOOM_VERT *verts)
long blockmap_make(blockmap,lines,nlines,verts)
register short **blockmap; /* built BLOCKMAP */
register DOOM_LINE *lines; /* map LINEDEFS */
long nlines; /* map # lines */
DOOM_VERT *verts; /* map VERTEXES */
short xmin,ymin, xmax,ymax; /* map coords min/max */
long scl; /* line following scaling */
long size = 0x80; /* block size (map coords) */
short xorig, yorig; /* blockmap x,y origin */
short xn, yn; /* # blocks in x,y dirs */
long xcc, xcl;
long xf,yf, xt,yt;
long xd, yd; /* x direction, y direction */
long m; /* diagonal line slope */
int o;
int l, k, i;
int p = 0; /* increment to next block */
int c = 0; /* # blocks to consider */
register short **boxlist; /* array of blocks' lists */
register long b;
register long t;
xmin = ymin = (short)0x7FFF, xmax = ymax = (short)0x8000;
for (l = 0; l < nlines; l++) { /* find min/max map coords */
xf = verts[lines[l].fndx].x, yf = verts[lines[l].fndx].y;
if (xf < xmin) xmin = (short)xf; /* check from vertex */
if (yf < ymin) ymin = (short)yf;
if (xmax < xf) xmax = (short)xf;
if (ymax < yf) ymax = (short)yf;
xt = verts[lines[l].tndx].x, yt = verts[lines[l].tndx].y;
if (xt < xmin) xmin = (short)xt; /* check to vertex */
if (yt < ymin) ymin = (short)yt;
if (xmax < xt) xmax = (short)xt;
if (ymax < yt) ymax = (short)yt;
xorig = xmin-8; /* get x origin */
yorig = ymin-8; /* get y origin */
xn = (xmax-xorig+size)/size; /* get # in x direction */
yn = (ymax-yorig+size)/size; /* get # in y direction */
boxlist = blockmem(short *,xn*yn);
scl = 81920L/(100+yn); /* so scl*scl*size*yn<2^31-1 */
size *= scl;
t = 0; /* total len of all lists */
for (l = 0; l < nlines; l++) { /* scan LINEDEFS here */
xf = scl*((long)verts[lines[l].fndx].x-(long)xorig);
yf = scl*((long)verts[lines[l].fndx].y-(long)yorig);
xt = scl*((long)verts[lines[l].tndx].x-(long)xorig);
yt = scl*((long)verts[lines[l].tndx].y-(long)yorig);
xd = sgn(xt-xf), yd = sgn(yt-yf);
switch (2*(xf/size == xt/size) + (yf/size == yt/size)) {
case 0: c=0, p=yd*xn;/* diagonal line */
bcase 1: c=abs((int)(xt/size-xf/size))+1, p=xd;/* horizontal line */
bcase 2: c=abs((int)(yt/size-yf/size))+1, p=yd*xn;/* vertical line */
bcase 3: c=0+1, p=1;/* start,end same block */
b = xf/size + xn*(yf/size); /* start @ this block */
for (i = 0; i < c; i++, b+=p) { /* add to lists for special */
blockmap_add_line(&boxlist[b],l,nlines); /* cases: horizontal, */
t++; /* vertical, & single block */
if (c == 0) { /* handle diagonal lines */
m = scl*(yt-yf)/(xt-xf); /* spanning > 1 block */
if (m == 0) m = sgn(yt-yf)*sgn(xt-xf); /* force a min non-0 slope */
xcl = xf;
if (yd == -1) xcc = xf + scl*((yf/size)*size - 1 - yf)/m;
else xcc = xf + scl*((yf/size)*size + size - yf)/m;
do {
for (c = 0; c <= abs((int)(xcc/size - xcl/size)); c++, b+=xd) {
b += p-xd;
xcl = xcc, xcc += yd*scl*size/m;
if (xd*xcc > xd*xt) xcc = xt; /* don't overrun endpoint */
} while (xd*xcl < xd*xt);
Blockmap = blockmem(short,4+xn*yn+t+2*xn*yn);
t = 0;
Blockmap[t++] = xorig; /* fill in X,Y origin */
Blockmap[t++] = yorig;
Blockmap[t++] = xn; /* fill in # in X and */
Blockmap[t++] = yn; /* Y directions */
o = t;
t += xn*yn;
for (i = 0; i < xn*yn; i++) { /* now fill in BLOCKMAP */
Blockmap[o++] = t; /* offset in BLOCKMAP */
Blockmap[t++] = 0; /* always zero */
if (boxlist[i] != NULL) {
for (k = 0; 0 < boxlist[i][k]; k++) /* list of lines in this */
Blockmap[t++] = boxlist[i][k]-1; /* block */
Blockmap[t++] = -1; /* always -1 */
if (t >= 65536L) /* remaining offsets are bad */
printf("\n<<error: BLOCKMAP too large; must reduce map size>>\n");
if (blockmap != NULL) *blockmap = Blockmap;
return t; /* # words in BLOCKMAP */